Celui qui la regarde, trouve


I must admit I’ve had better times then when I had to give up my search for a Subway restaurant in Antibes. There’s just no replacement for a good subway when you’re feeling a slight hunger inbetween meals.

Then, on my way to school today I took a little different route, and what do you think was shining in all it’s holy glory there in front of me, just 2 minutes from school? That’s right, a Subway. Two 30 inch subs later, I walked a happy man out of there, planning to go back for dinner.

I joined the Eurecom football team this week. There’s me, some French guys, an Italian and an indian. While playing I was complaining to myself about the poor quality of the artificial grass on the field. Then, the Indian guy suddenly started praising how good the field was compared to his dirt field back home. Made me feel a little spoiled, but what the hell, I’m Norwegian.

Found an appartment in Antibes with a view of the mediterranen sea, moving there in November. Life could be worse.
